Join us

Membership of FoKH is free. Spare us some time if you have it and/or make a donation.
Membership of FoKH is open to all, but we ask that you please read, agree to and sign the code of conduct below.

You can sign up online by submitting our simple form.

Alternatively, you can print, sign, scan and send to:

Membership Application V1

Application for Membership of Friends of Kalang Headwaters Inc. (FoKH) and its associated Code of Conduct


Postal Address:

Telephone Numbers:

This Code of Conduct covers individuals participating in actions or events coordinated by the Friends of Kalang Headwaters. Alliance partners currently include – The Bellingen Environment Centre, National Parks Association of NSW, individuals and businesses from our community.


Our community understands the forests of the Kalang River Catchment hold enormous cultural and natural heritage values, and that these are now threatened. With logging of these native forests imminent, local community and environmental organisations have been joined by concerned members of our local community to form a coordinated alliance whose shared mission is to stop the proposed logging within our Kalang River Forests and seek their immediate permanent protection.

An alliance working group has been established to assist in campaign coordination, community engagement, training and governance. This code of conduct was developed by the working group.

While participating in any activities, events or actions you are:

  1. Working to further the agreed objectives of our mission (see above);
  2. Committing to act at all times within the non-violence direct action (NVDA) principles (read NVDA guidelines);
  3. Expected to respect the other stakeholders including employees of the forest corporation and their contractors, police officers, each other, the natural environment and be sensitive to cultural heritage issues when encountered;
  4. Mindful of your own and others personal safety and take all necessary steps to participate safely at all times (refer to any attendees’ checklists);
  5. Asked not to bring dogs or pets with you at any time as they could disturb the resident wildlife and affect important survey results;
  6. Expected to take home whatever you bring into the forest/event with you – take only photos and leave only footprints;
  7. Expected to respect the Alliance’s wishes to keep field activities free from alcohol and illegal drugs;
  8. Expected to abide by instructions of group leaders or designated coordinators;
  9. Aware that if you do not abide by instructions you may be asked to leave;
  10. Aware that once you have been asked to leave, and have left, you may request mediation.

This Code of Conduct is not negotiable. In signing this document you are agreeing to abide by the Code of Conduct conditions for each and every event you attend.

Signed: __________________ ` Dated: ____ / ____ / _____